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Discount Cabinets of Washington, Inc.'s mission is to design the most efficient kitchen possible within the allocated space and budget; to offer the widest variety of cabinetry in the area for the most reasonable prices; and to provide the most thorough, personal on-site service available, before, during, and after the sale.
Discount Cabinets of Washington, Inc. was established in 1997 in Sequim, Washington. Our preferred sales area is the North Olympic Peninsula of Washington State which includes Clallam and Jefferson counties (although we ship to Alaska and sell the occasional kitchen in the Seattle area with local referrals).
Recent News
Omega Custom, Omega Dynasty, Fieldstone Custom, Fieldstone, HomeCrest, Founder's Choice, and Kitchen Craft Cabinetry, Boos Block Countertops, Rev-A-Shelf, Blum, Feeney, Iron-A-Way, Epco, Accuride, Ives, etc.
Post Office Box 1973 Sequim, WA 98382-1973
Tel. 360-683-9171 Fax 360-681-0554
Discount Cabinets of Washington, Inc. is proud to design with and sell the two top-rated ESP 01-06
cabinet manufacturers' products in the country. OMEGA CABINETRY and FIELDSTONE CABINETRY, with custom and modular lines, held the top two listings in a recent national product testing conducted by a well-known consumer advocate publication.